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Showing posts from July, 2013

Nine Words Women Say

Nine Words Women Say. 1. FINE – this is the word women use to end argument when they are right and you need to shut up! 2. FIVE MINUTES – if she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. 3. NOTHING – this is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine. 4. GO AHEAD – this is a dare, not permission. DON'T DO IT!!! 5. LOUD SIGH – this is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. 6. THAT'S OKAY – this is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. THAT'S OKAY means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake. 7. THANKS – a woman is thanking you, DO NOT QUESTION, or FAINT. Just say: «You're welcome». 8. WHATEVER – is a women's way of saying F@...

9 фактов о Лондоне

9 фактов о Лондоне. 1. Лондон — один из самых сухих городов Европы!!! В год в Лондоне выпадает 590 миллиметров осадков, а, например, в Риме — 760, во Флоренции — 870, в Милане — 1000. 2. Все британцы считают, что именно они ездят на «правильной» стороне дороги. 3. Таксисты обязаны знать все улицы на память и проходят курс «Knowledge» длительностью 3 года! 4. Местные аборигены говорят с абсолютно непонятным акцентом. 5. Underground — официальное название метро. Tube (труба) — разговорное название, которое пошло от цилиндрической формы туннелей. 6. У англичан на самом деле тонкий и очень забавный юмор. По шуткам британцы не уступают одесситам =) 7. Каждый житель Лондона в среднем за день появляется на 50 камерах слежения и 15 фотографиях туристов, так что все на всякий случай улыбаются. 8. На некоторых автобусных остановках есть табло показывающее минуты до прибытия следующего автобуса в реальном режиме времени. А еще в Лондоне автобусы курсируют круглосуточно, так что можно гулять до у...

Podomatic Tutorial

Slideshare Tutorial

Using Diigo Tutorial

Delicious Tutorial

What is Blogging?

The Game of the Nation.

Many of the sports we play and watch today have fascinating etymological histories. The word “sport” itself has been around in the English language since the mid-15th century, when it was derived from the Old French desporter, meaning “to amuse, please, or play.” As a noun denoting a physical game or activity, the word grew in popularity in the late-15th century, also acquiring, in the 18th century, the designation of a pleasant and interesting person – a “good sport” – from the glamorous lifestyle of gambling and betting. There is a host of activity that poses no difficulty in parsing out its meaning and etymology: Baseball became a household name in the 1840s, although a similar game had been played earlier under the name of “rounders.” Safeco+Field author

Where is this place?