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What is Blogging?


  1. A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is “blogging” and someone who keeps a blog is a “blogger.”

  2. Blog (from english web log, which means Internet magazine or Internet diary) is a web-site, where you can share with other people with your notes, interesting pictures or facts, everything you want. Short notes are usually characted for blogs. Blog has a difference with usual diary - its targeted on audience you don't even know, who could join the debate with author.
    People, who owns blog are called "bloggers". Shortly, blogging is an action, which implies posting notes, pictures and other multimedias, where somebody could leave a comment.

  3. Thank you very much! Very useful and good info, may be somebody is aware of who was the first to start blogging? And are you aware of any useful or interesting from the point of view of English learning blogs?

  4. Use Diigo or Delicious service to share with all of us your bookmarks relating to English lesrning!

  5. Well, as the Wikipedia said, Sir Tim Berners-Lee was the first blogger in the world. He created his blog in 1992, there he published the news.

  6. The term "blog" was coined by Jorn Barger December 17, 1997. The short form of the word 'blog' was coined by Peter Merholz. Evan Williams used a "blog" as both a noun and a verb, which led to the creation of the term "blogger."

  7. Blog – it's a page in Internet, there you can keep a diary. You can write your planes, thoughts, share some events, videos and music with your friends. It's a good way to find people with similar interests.

  8. When I was younger I had a blog. There I wrote my thoughts, dreams, interesting stories, funny situations in my life, ect. My friends also had own page and we commented our "notes". It was like a social network for us :) nowadays I understand that it was useless because, in my opinion, blog is created for really important things like distance learning or bulletins.


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