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The Game of the Nation.

Many of the sports we play and watch today have fascinating etymological histories.
The word “sport” itself has been around in the English language since the mid-15th century, when it was derived from the Old French desporter, meaning “to amuse, please, or play.” As a noun denoting a physical game or activity, the word grew in popularity in the late-15th century, also acquiring, in the 18th century, the designation of a pleasant and interesting person – a “good sport” – from the glamorous lifestyle of gambling and betting.
There is a host of activity that poses no difficulty in parsing out its meaning and etymology: Baseball became a household name in the 1840s, although a similar game had been played earlier under the name of “rounders.”

Safeco+Field author


  1. Truth be told, I've heard about the game which called “rounders”. Rounders is the same sport as baseball in America . Even in the times of Peter I "rounders" was children's the most favorite game.

  2. The game of rounders has been played in England since Tudor times. Try to imagine, it was in 15-16 century! In my view it's fascinating, the baseball has so interesting history.

  3. The first common football rules was defined in the private schools and universities of Oxford and Cambridge in 1846. Before almost each school and each football club had their own rules.

  4. Have you ever heard about softball?
    It is a sport similar to baseball but pitchers throw underhand. The balls are larger than those of baseball. However, indoor softballs have a slightly softer texture. The actual softball is not hard at all. There are many techniques for hitting in softball and different types of bunts. Men, women, boys, or girls, can play softball.

  5. Cricket and Rounders were very popular games in UK. But “rounders” has more common things with Baseball. It was enough primitive game. And it started to improve, some rules from “cricket” were added. So, now Baseball is considered as “national pastime”.


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