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Where is this place?

Who lived there? Why is it famous?


  1. Brodick Castle is located on the island Arran on the west coast of Scotland. It is the only island park in the UK. The park stretches for more than ten miles from the coast to the mountain top Goutfell.

  2. I can add, that ownership of the castle passed through various hands before it came into the possession of the Hamilton family, later the Marquesses and Dukes of Hamilton, in 1503.

  3. Nowadays there is a wonderful garden called the Walled Garden. It was built in 1710. Bee boles can be seen in the Walled Garden.

  4. This castle takes place in on the island Arran on the west coast of Scotland.

  5. This red sandstone castle nestles in dark trees at the foot of Goatfell Mountain on the small but beautiful Isle of Arran. The site has been occupied by a stronghold of some kind since the fifth century. It was probably destroyed and rebuilt countless times during its turbulent history.


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Where is this place and what do you know about it?