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Another 'where-is-this-place' puzzle!


  1. As I found out, it's in Chikago, Illinois state, USA :) This sculpure is situated in one of the parks of this city.

  2. There is one of the sights of Millennium Park in Cikago, I suppose. Because there are lot of things like in the picture: iron bridges, steel sculpture, for examlpe, famous "Bob" - a large statue of metallic bean )))
    But, actually, I don't know exactly what it is on the image... ((

  3. Google said that this picture is one of the most beautiful night wallpapers for your computer)

  4. Miss Semina's post is absolutely amusing))) but nevertheless a few questions more: who is an architect, why was it designed, what's so special about it?

  5. This sculpture is located in the USA, Illinois, Chicago.

  6. Yes, I've done it! This sculpture is situated in the USA, Illinois, Chicago in Mary Bartelme park. Five large stainless steel gateway structures twist through a field of brilliant white TX Active permeable pavers. Sun rays activate the photocatalytic reaction within concrete made with Essroc’s TX Active and destroy organic and inorganic compounds before they have a chance to adhere to its surface. The organic pollutants decompose into oxygen, water and harmless salts. While the photocatalytic properties of the pavers clean the air on a clear day, on a rainy day their permeable solution allows rainwater to flow through their surface rather than being discharged into local sewers. In the United States, Gray or White Portland Cement Type I, II, and III complying with ASTM C 150 is made with the addition of proprietary particles of titanium dioxide (TiO2) specifically engineered for use in the manufacture of concrete and concrete products.


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Where is this place and what do you know about it?