В чем разница между work и job Слово “работа”, как физический труд, или выполнение функции в русском языке ничем не отличается от “работы”, на которую надо ходить каждый день. В отличие от русского, в английском для этого применяют два разных существительных. Труд, выполнение задач и функциональных обязанностей Work [wɜ:rk] - это слово следует применять, когда описывается выполнение какой-то конкретной задачи, трудовой функции, предполагающей определенный объем действий. Факт получения вознаграждения за работу значения не имеет. Например: He always starts his work at 9 am. Он всегда начинает работать в 9 утра. He still has a lot of work to do. У него до сих пор очень много работы, которую надо сделать. Профессия, офис, оплачиваемый функционал В контексте разговора о какой-то оплачиваемой функции, месте куда необходимо прибыть для осуществления труда или профессии используется термин job [dʒɒb]. Например: I love my job. Я люблю свою работу. My job is interesting....
Bravo committed a suicide. It was very strange...He died from poisoning..His wife Florence was one of the main suspects, because she was not happy in her marriage, but police found out that she was innocent. So, I guess Charles Bravo drank a poison by accident. Anyway, I don't like him, he was very selfish, terrible man.
ReplyDeleteThe detective said: "Charles Bravo killed Charles Bravo". And I think, I can agree with him. The case was closed because of lack of information. Well, I think that there could be one of two murderers: Charles Bravo or Mrs. Cox. But the detective could convince me of his words. So, in my opinion, it was just an accident. Charles mixed two bottles up and drank the antimony poison. Charles Bravo accidentally killed Charles Bravo.
ReplyDeleteI suppose that Bravo punished himself. He wanted to deceive his wife, to get her money. After the wedding Charles mistreated her and wanted to poison.
ReplyDeleteCharles Bravo killed himself. Information 100%.
ReplyDeleteAs I've learned there are some susses: his wife Florence, her ex-lover, Dr. Gully, сhaperone Mrs. Bravo - Mrs. Kokse and their groom. Everyone there had a motive for murder. And there was a version that Mr.Bravo wanted to kill his wife but mixed substances. So we have lots of potential murderers and don't know who is real and what happened.