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Twins or...?

Read this article and express the main idea, the problem stated,  your point of view.


  1. I suppose that the genes are the foundation of our character. They determine our behavior. If the child is naughty, no one does him obedient. However, a part of our character depends on the upbringing of the parents. So naughty child can be taught to control himself.

  2. The main idea of the article as i got it means that according to the studies the biggest influence on twins is the society and family itself in case they live together and face the same problems. But the fact is that the genes still play very important role in identifying human personality.

  3. As I understood, there is the artical about ghenes and an upbringing. In my opinion, ghenes plays a very important role in our lives, even more important than an upbringing. For examle, if you plant an apple tree, eventually we will get apples! Not pears or plums! Though if you look ather this tree very thoroughly, carefully, it will give to us ripe, mellow and tasty fruit... but only apple! Do you understand me?))

  4. The idea of this article is that genes play more important role in creating a human character than environment. I can't totally agree with this statement. Genes are given you, they're not chosen by you. Your family and society shape the abilities that your parents gave you. And you by yourself observe things happens around you, the mistakes other people do, you decide how to react in different situations by your observations, and you decide what to do with your inborn abilities. Your future depends on your decisions. And your decisions partly depend on your genes and partly on the nurture you're got.

  5. The main idea of this article is that genetics influence on personal skills and abilities more that environment and nurture. Actually, I can partly agree with this statement: characters of relatives usually bear a great resemblance to each other. Each person has some potential: talents, abilities, ambit of capability. On the other hand, every man sets his or her personal goals and depending on willpower he can change his character, overcome predisposed features.


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