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Where is this place?


  1. The famous lake Hillier is located on the largest island Middle Island in Western Australia. The feature of the lake is its bright pink color. The color of water is constant and does not change.

  2. As scientists think, the reason of pink color of water is a result of vital functions of microorganisms and bacterias

  3. Despite the unusual hue, the lake exhibits no known adverse effects upon humans. From above, the lake appears a solid bubble gum pink, but from the shoreline it appears more of a clear pink hue. The shoreline is also covered in salt crust deposits.

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  5. Although the source of the pink colour has not been definitively proven in the case of Lake Hillier, the pink colour of other salt lakes (e.g., Pink Lake) in the region arises from a dye created by the organisms Dunaliella salina and Halobacteria.

  6. as I found, the pink coloration of the lake water could be from a sea salt deposit reaction as well as red bacteria in the salt crusts.

  7. the level of salt content is much higher than similar indicators in coastal ocean waters, and dry summer months shades of pink turn into coral and Burgundy. Unusual color of the lake Hillier was discovered in 1802 during the expedition of captain Matthew Flinders - Australian researcher, hydrograph and scientist.


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Where is this place and what do you know about it?