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Where is this place?


  1. It is Corsewell Lighthouse Hotel in Scotland. Corsewall Lighthouse is situated on the northern tip of the Rhins of Galloway. One definition of the name Corsewall is the place of the Cross. Another is the Well of the Cross, probably from the original name Corsewall.
    Corsewall Lighthouse Hotel
    This very unique luxury hotel and restaurant delights everyone who has the good fortune to stay or dine here. It has the charm and romance of an 1815 functioning lighthouse with the comforts of a small very unique luxury hotel and restaurant.

  2. Many outdoor activities are available by arrangement, including golf, day trips to Ireland, pony tracking, windsurfing and sailing. Arrangements can also be made for pick-up from Glasgow and Prestwick airports at an additional cost.

  3. Corsewall Lighthouse was automated in 1994 and is now only loosely monitored from the Northern Lighthouse Board's offices in Edinburgh. Although the light is still operated by the Northern Lighthouse Board, since automation in 1994 the rest of Corsewall Lighthouse has been converted into the four-star Corsewall Lighthouse Hotel.


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